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Shamelessly scams money from people by a single woman by communicating via email and email. Watch out, please! A fake e-mail has been sent in response to the advertisement that will place ss.com: Hello! We have received an application for a vacancy from you! Thank you for your response and interest in this ad. This is SEB Finance company's Internet e-commerce company, which is engaged in the distribution of information materials on the Internet. The main product of our company is PMC electronic books. These eBooks are Word-formatted files in English and contain all kinds of information about business, finance, politics, and more. These materials are a great way to learn and improve English, to gain valuable information on current topics in the world today. The profits from this project come from the fact that these information materials are distributed and sold to customers. The price of one such e-book is 25 lats, which is the amount for which it is possible to sell this package to a customer. Your main task is to act as an intermediary between the distributor and the customer. As you have referred to this advertisement, your e-mail is automatically registered in the SEB database program. This means that you will not receive emails from customers wishing to purchase any of these e-books. If you receive an e-mail from a customer that they wish to purchase any of these materials, then feel free to give me a message, I will inform you about the next steps. If you have any additional questions, feel free to report it. Sincerely, SEB Finance company http://paymarket.webs.com/