Disappearance of the bag
In February 2016, I decided to spend a nice evening with my friends in Townsville Klondaik, which celebrated its 21st anniversary that night. Upon arrival, I handed over my coat and Finnish Klondike to the employee, who put them in the warehouse. When at night at 3. 00 I asked my bag, it turned out that it could not be found. Shocked by tears, I turned to the staff to help. But I have everything I need in my bag (cars, apartment keys, passport, the right wallet with cards, a phone... ). The director gave up, and while in attendance, the cashier smiled "it was to decide. " Normally, from the warehouse under the door code that can enter only their own disappears bag and everyone does not care. So I sat and judged for an hour with my husband and girlfriend, who caught my bag. When we found out,that the bag was taken away by a drunken employee to recover it I had to pay her friends to take her to the apartment where the girl lives. contact this girl, but she doesn't consider it necessary to apologize or return the money her friends extorted from me...