Why this farce and countless ads if some of them don't work. What confidence can there be in a company that keeps a thief in its team, just because his relatives work in the highest echelons of the company. It takes place in Parksville, where constant rm works in the rd shop. who for years misappropriated gifts meant for you, which are attached to certain groups of goods and your ignorance or ignorance after them comes to Constantine. In the hands. Constantine appropriated tablets for the dishwasher, laundry detergents, as he boasted, a couple of years ahead, wine glass holders, smell scales, speakers, headphones, can transfer your gifts for a long time, just whatever it needs, if it has long been owned by Constantine, he believes that the stranger has not taken. This action, in his view,monitoring of the surrounding situation. He has no other duties in the store and a salary for constant constant m. Other store employees earn. Constantine m. The last of the pleasures of working hours, a healthy lifestyle. Until now, it took up to 8 hours, even more, of working time to find and get the right food on the Internet. It is not at all understandable why he should come to work at all, if he can perform his work duties at home as well for years, if only monitoring. In this situation, it is unfortunate for employees who have to earn a constant m. Salary as it entertains, as well as a new boss who has inherited this idleness, who has no sense of morality or consciousness. The boss has to take on the pointless role of "don kihota", don't run over the impressive relatives, but that's his usual deadly tough bun...