I turned to dermatologist E. Alexandrovich with complaints; The diagnosis was initially made correct - epidermophytia, but the treatment... Each time the pad was looking for what medicine to prescribe. At first I was treated with some Soviet - era methods, zinc ointment, from which I started an abnormal general allergic reaction, to which the doctor did not pay attention (really did not pay attention to. I was suffering with terrible itching, a rash on a huge area of skin, but he tried different ointments so much (this didn't help, well, then touch this one). Feeling like a test rabbit, none of what he recommended helped, in fact, since I went to see this doctor, it only got much worse. The end,when he could no longer stand the intolerable itching around the clock, a rash over a huge area of the body, despair and depression (because the "treatment" lasted about a month, maybe longer, and only got worse), I went to another doctor who was shocked to see how I am "contaminated" and also a list of all medicines previously used (9 different medicines). Allergies to the drugs used were found, no fungi were present for a long time... Allergies to the drugs used were found, no fungi were present for a long time... Allergies to the drugs used were found, no fungi were present for a long time... I definitely do not recommend going to this doctor - disinterested attitude, treatment methods - questionable.