My Father Peter Boaden passed away on the 04.01.2021 and I can’t get into his lap top to get a reference number for his account. On the Avast web site there appears no way of cancelling his contract without this ref. I can’t believe I am the only person with this problem. Please can you help or...
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I have two similar and one additional charges on my credit card attributed to you (but since they don’t have any explanatory verbiage I don’t know what they are for). The $26.80 and $26.90 appear to be unauthorized charges maybe for privacy and driver update. They are a mistake. The $64.34, maybe for renewal of clean-up, seems...
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I am a customer with a premium account on one of my laptops. I got another laptop and downloaded a free version. All my PDF files and some important documents have been changed to HTML files and without my permission. I can only access them online. Why did you do this, and how can I restore my...
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I have purchased one antivirus product for my PC and I paid the prescribed amount on 04 Feb 21. Now, Avast mailed for cancellation of order due to non-payment. How I come to know the deal was through some other seller. However, now Digital river, the agency admitted has admitted the payment was received, and they didn’t...
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Inquiries I want to terminate the agreement! NOW THREATEN - for a service that I want to refuse countless times and terminate the Agreement! I collect MONEY through CREDITREFORM - RACKET 90 years in style only 2020 RELODED! Forwarded Info About this - Also to the Consumer Rights Protection Center and the Australian State Police Chancellery! Let's see the reaction! Police reaction - 04. 08. 2020 -Good day! Your 03. 08. 2020. The e-mail was registered as an application with our no. 3550 and forwarded to the Devonport section of the Zemgale Region Office of the State Police, Petera Street 5 (Record phone tel. 63004276). So you have to wait for you to be contacted by an inspector who will review the application. Yours sincerely,Sanita Skachkauska, Clerk of the Recordkeeping and Accounting Division of the Zemgale Region Office of the State Police tel. ((((Criminal Law Says : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 142. Article. Fraud Acquisition of property or rights to property by abuse of trust or fraud (fraud) is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years or by repair for up to two years, or by a fine of up to thirty thousand rubles. committed repeatedly or by a group of persons by prior agreement shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to six years or by a fine of up to forty thousand rubles. Fraud committed on a large scale or by a particularly dangerous recidivist shall be punishable by a term of imprisonment. deprivation for a term of five to thirteen years or with a fine of up to fifty thousand rubles,confiscating property or without confiscation of property. 143. Article. Extortion For a request to return property or the right to property or to perform any property activities, threatening the victim or his relatives with violence, threatening to disclose shameful information about the victim or his relatives, destroying their property or causing him other harm (extortion) deprivation for a period of three to eight years, with or without confiscation of property. For the same acts, if committed repeatedly or by a group of persons by prior agreement, - shall be punishable by imprisonment for five to ten years by confiscation of property. 20. 08. 2020 I will already be accepted due to the application on Fraud and Extortion by the Inspector of the Order Police Department of the Devonport District of the State Police - So appliedto pick up the Agreement concluded with - Australian Telefon, which is not broken by me at my nth request, and See THREE LETTER. In the picture. 20. 08. 2020 From 14: 00-16: 00 I wrote a submission and an explanation due to Fraud and Extortion. See below! CRPC reaction - 01. 08. 2020 -Thank you! The Consumer Rights Protection Center (hereinafter - CRPC) has received your e-mail If it is necessary to prepare an answer to your letter, CRPC specialists will provide you with an answer within a reasonable time, but not later than within one month. You can ask questions to CRPC specialists by calling +61 65452554 (on working days from 08:30 to 17:00). Answers to various questions of interest to you can also be found on the CRPC website [hide] @ptac. Answer - Hello, Thank you for your e-mail to the Consumer Rights Protection Center (CRPC). CRPC has read your letter and explains: it follows from your e-mail that the agreement on placing an advertisement has been concluded due to your economic activity in the guest house. By law, a consumer is a natural person who expresses a wish to purchase, acquires or is likely to purchase or use a good or service for a purpose which is not related to his economic or professional activity. Therefore, the issue cannot be resolved in accordance with the regulatory enactments regulating consumer rights protection. You have the right to apply to a civil court in a general lawsuit requesting to terminate the contract. The information provided in this e-mail is of a consultative nature and does not constitute an official opinion of the institution. Website: www. ptac. gov.orgp. s ((((What is my connection with Darwin - if I am from Devonport [hide] @ptac. 2Answer - Hello! Thank you for your resent e-mail to the Consumer Rights Protection Center (CRPC).