BEWARE – has not honored contract. Entered contract to replace roof & gutters July 22, 2020.with $1, 000 deposit. Promised completion by end of September. When nothing was done by end August, I called and was told they were backed up with Covid and would start soon. Mid-September I asked if they got the permit yet. They...
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BEWARE – has not honored contract. Entered contract to replace roof & gutters July 22, 2020.with $1, 000 deposit. Promised completion by end of September. When nothing was done by end August, I called and was told they were backed up with Covid and would start soon. Mid-September I asked if they got the permit yet. They...
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Spamming and unwillingness to disable spam!
Hello! Is AuMobile really so unable to arrange its internal system so that the customer's request DOES NOT send various advertisements, bonuses, etc. sms take note and fulfill! I have already called you FIVE (5) times, to your info phone no. 076 and Asked, requested, requested, etc. DO NOT SEND ME TO MY TWO NO, THIS SMS! I have been asked for PINs, PUKs, card top-up times, amounts, etc. miracles and after naming all their data to me every time your staff claims that ALL these SMS are disabled and I will no longer receive them! But it takes 1-2 days and I get this SPAMS again! My own no. are as follows: 25444162 and 28388826 I no longer have the strength to fight you here and I am ready to switch these numbers to another operator who will take into account the customer's request not to send SPAM! It's too hard for you, or you don't want to do it! Its your sms me besy and every time that it comes, I have to read it, get angry and delete it! It takes up my time, attention and nerves! Who do I need it? I've called your call center the last few times and yelled at your staff, although I don't usually do that! I apologize to them and told them that your AuMobile company is starting to hit me, which does not take into account the client's request not to spam and continues to do so purposefully! It will make me sick and I will have to change operators to protect my nerves!