attitude of discipline, arts completely incompetent!
I can say nothing good about sho office. Melbourne Stradinja Hospital 25th ward... attitude vienkaarshi discipline! I got there because I called aatros (the stage of spontaneous abortion), the children now very much want to keep... shaados cases are immediately jaaved to the hospital and something jaaara... it is no more than 4 hours... ta4u aatrie me work, then leads to the hospital SEEZHOT (in shaados cases it is necessary to sleep)... brought to the hospital, sedated on the bed and made to wait... waited 3 hours... Iissaak saying nothing could be done right away, it must be done immediately... In the end beigaas put me in the 25th ward of the hospital... "SPONTANEOUS ABORTION PALAATAA"... there are divided by palataam-those who are having an abortion, those who are having a miscarriage and those who are saving... horror, everyone looks at each other so (of course, because everyone knows kapeec one or the other is there, palaatas ta4u distributed)... nothing reliable... kept me there for 2 days and put the maajaas... brauccu peec extract (cereedama get at least some recommendations, how taalaak sway) ), instead I put a leaf in my face, and that was all... sanjeemu extract, there were no recommendations from aarsta - so they are very busy... well, terrible... I don't tell anyone to go there..!