(818) 876-9913
Agoura Hills, California, United States
Agoura Hills , California
United States – 91301
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I don't want to blur, but I and I know that I have encountered the incompetence and rudeness of this bank. all this, due to the fact that my card was not issued a card / money from an ATM, I will no longer remember it so finely, but from the series, the card won the "technical barrier". staav / seezh when you take the numbering and wait for your queue to the bank..do not want to live again UNPLEASANT memories of the attitude I received at that time. sometime 25 gadiigha shmara, then to put it mildly, lecigaa toniitii, you are not served as if they should be done, but from the topic "" well, what do you say? you know, I work here, and in general, I'm insane, breast..I'm OPERATORE "":D if but for a moment, want such a bitch to load by mouth.Of course, it sticks to the situation unresolved.when the call was on the help info phone, had to communicate, with the card 5 completely NELOJAALAAM, BASIC BEHAVIOR, ETHICS, SA-CULTURAL, NEZINOSAAAM AND RUPEKLIIBAAM, IEDOMIIGAAM, LECIIGAAM, etc. operators. completely identical cases where sedan lives. Well logically, government is diarrhea, and again, NOTHING is done to train a normal level then stupid, operators. you know, it is not normal if half of Europe refuses your services. read something here. :) This is how you put together a 25-year-old brush for a manager, WHAT YOU SPEAK NEJEEDZ.stoostaas kaa geese and slavee yourself (!) of course, needless to say, not me, not my relative, no longer a bank customer. I recommend everyone to REJECT THE SWEDISH BANK, as you have not yet fallen for the cards of the victims of the nails.