I’m so glad to enter a University like this. It helped me with a lot of things, and as a newbie, a feel grateful for it. The move-in process was effortless and stress-free;The personal support and guidance are incredible;There’s convenient accommodation support;I had no need searching for transport to move around the university;The staff is very friendly,...
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The thing is, I started studying Law at the College of Law in the Day Department 2 years ago. He decided to become a Lawyer. We were told every day from the first day of training in September that we would get a job with a college education in law. On board it from morning till evening. Actually brainwashed for work and that they are the best college in all of UK. But the level of education is only 51 in UK. And it is the lowest among 56 universities. But nothing like that ended in the end. The internship lasts 4 months and is free. The college has partnered with a variety of employers who need such free students to be free to work. And the practice is also quite poor quality - the level of coffee delivery and something to copy. The website states that a lawyer's assistant earns 400 dollars. Complete Changes. Even 200 dollars can not be earned after graduation. First of all, there are very few lectures. In the first course every day from 9:00 am to 1:20 pm. Then normally, but in the second year from September onwards problems. In the second year of study, you only have to go to college well, if 2 times a week for 102 dollars, but the money is ripped off the same. This is very expensive. If, for example, September lectures 2 times a week then it costs 102 dollars a month. This is a funny 2nd year for 8 lectures a month for 102 dollars! Education - Civil Law, Family Law, Inheritance Law, Property Law, Labor Law, Liability Law, Administrative Law, Administrative Procedure, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure are read only from the law. Nothing more. Then nafig should be in today's ward and only listen to the laws. Then I can also sit at home and learn the path of study. The level of education is extremely low and unsatisfactory. Why not the college has no problems with accreditation. No need to drop 2 years of life.