1 Sep, 2019 → by ClaimboUser279690
tithing scam-syndicated estafa; to my vcf pastor in the philippines and every nation globally


Repent or be in the lake of "Fire" allow me to share you these and please don't get me wrong as I only want to verbalize my feelings based on what i see in relation to the scriptures. Look, it seems we are always teaching material prosperity thus makes us a Prosperity church and most of all we taught things like manipulation by way of making all people bow down to us as leaders and also the doctrine of Moses is taught which is not in the form of grace such as tithing as a command. remember that God fulfilled the law by nailing on the cross so we will live by grace as an adopted child of God and the law of circumcision, tithes, eating blood has set aside by Jesus and our salvation depends on faith alone to Jesus but the result is good works deriving from the fruits of the spirit. Every christian has a nature of desire to give but not under regret, compulsion or commands rather it comes from the generosity of the heart for Christ loves a cheerful giver. In short, we give as we choose based on our hearts desire and why are we teaching unscriptural phrases such as you will become a curse if you don't give money is or tithe is clear picture of a "Doctrinal Error" and God will curse us by way of teaching not in accordance to scriptures. God will not even spare if angels does that. What worries me is are we doing all these teaching out of Love for Jesus or simply out for survival in general?? what if one day, when we meet Jesus, He will say to us AWAY YOU EVIL DOERS FOR YOU ARE A FALSE TEACHERS please dont get me wrong but this is my evaluation how our church contradicts the teaching of Christ. Yes we taught sound doctrine but it is mixed with added scriptures which Jesus has already nailed on the cross 2000 yrs ago like following the law of Moses regarding tithes as well as the violation of our abuse of power teaching people to worship breakthroughs instead of seeking God despite of pain and suffering for Christ never promise happy ending on earth. I am scared of our teaching because what if we are already condemned in our quest of our belief which is not aligned with the truth that is found in the Grace of God and the Holy spirit. I wonder why you are nice but most pastor I observed is acting like a caretaker instead of a Shepherd. I am opening this up to you because you helped me before and I was grateful for that yet I feel concern about our faith as my eyes has now opened to the real teaching of the gospel. I am concern my friend about us going to either heaven or hell. Hope you understand.
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