1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser527932
Loan services


I WOULD NOT recommend this company to NOT ANYONE that would ever ask me if it was a good company to receive a loan from. This example will show you all how one bad decision can lead to negative effect on everything. I have been a customer with plain green for the last 4 yrs and within those years I have had no complaints at all and would tell anyone that asked me they were great in my book, id never had to call then about a problem, never had an issue with my loan amount or payment or any corresponds via email with them UNTIL they decided to change their system recently late Feb early March. I reapplied for a loan placed my due dates for 1st & 15th (the days I get paid) they gave me my first due date... (me not knowing of a system change) I was ready to pay on time as I always have. I then looked at my bank account about a week before my actual due date and saw they had deducted the first payment OKAY FINE at least I paid it right!? but ill just call them so they can correct the due date. did I mention I never received a email confirmation of the payment being taken nor a receipt of what was deducted. I called the rep told me "well we have had a lot of issues because our system change and we can change the due date back to the correct dates, but I'm not sure how long it will take, call back in two weeks if its not done" OK OK two weeks go by and its not change, I call back a different rep stated "okay I see the request it will be changed in 48hrs" OK OK I wait 48hrs still no change... so I call to speak with a supervisor b/c I'm wondering why after all this time I was on top of it all to call you to correct it before more money comes out of my bank account on the wrong day that this is not done. called, verified acct asked to speak with a supervisor and I was hung up on...ok I call back a different rep stated I'm sure she didn't hang up but I need to verify your acct.. ok I verified and ask for a supervisor, she then tells me "well I'm sure I can just resolve your minor problem without you talking to a sup b/c the last rep didn't hang up on you"...umm ma'am WHY must you even make me more angrier than I already am, no ma'am I would like to speak with your supervisor.. placed on hold, sup SASHA comes to the line, I explain blah blah blah... then tells me okay ma'am I understand you are upset we can correct it when my sup PAULA comes in, okay what time are you going to call me back. "I will call you back at 12m your time and have it corrected. okay that fine thanks... I wait until 12...12:10...12:20..12:30 no SASHA. I call back and this rep answers, verifies and I ask fro a sup... Welp this sup Dedra gets on the line "what's the problem ma'am" have you been briefed on my account (b/c i'm sure she has), "yes ma'am I actually spoke with Sasha about it earlier but she is not in at the moment (convenient right) she then try's to tell me that its MY fault that my payments are not the 1st & 15th (when i'm looking at my loan) after multiple agents have told me about the mess up of your system. she then goes on to tell me no matter what the other agents told me my request cant be done. Well ma'am let me speak with PAULA the person that SASHA says is over her. She tells me that PAULA doesn't even exist and doesn't work there (guess Sasha just pulled that name out of her hat) well ma'am let me speak with someone over you. she tells me its no one over her .BS ma'am I need to speak with someone over you b/c you don't own the company!! she then tells me yes ma'am I do own the company (LOL yea right, well fix my acct ma'am, but you cant). I ask to speak with someone over her again and magically she get her supervisor on the line. THE RUDEST PEOPLE IN CUSTOMER SERVICE I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED.. he tells me that my problem can be fixed because I made the mistake and I cant blame the company for that just because they changed the systems and there was a glitch. PLEASE DO NOT EVER APPLY FOR A LOAN FROM THEM. the customer service reps are rude and they will screw you over if they ever get the chance to. plus the interest is high anyway ( I over looked that b/c I hadn't had any problems, but why pay higher interest with a company that doesn't want to fix a simple problem they caused) *BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE *RUDE CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS *UNAUTHORIZED WITHDRAWS *CAUSED OVERDRAFT FEES *NO OWNERSHIP IN TEH PROBLEM WHAT SO EVER *LIARS *HIGH INTEREST RATE *THE LIST GOES ON AND ON
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