21 Feb, 2019 → by ClaimboUser947984
money catch aint legit


My take on this 'uhummm' business is… there might be a legit aspect to this business; but the Moneycatch customer service, extortionate charges, and misleading information push it squarely into scam territory. Now, on the surface, it might look pretty flashy… the website, the presentation and to the uninformed, all those badges and certifications and accreditations may look impressive and legitimate… But I work in a govt job, so, when a friend of mine asked me if he should use Money Catch to claim some old super, I couldn't help but take a gander look in, because I myself was the victim to some flashy marketing once upon a time. DISCLAIMER: This isn't a critique against unclaimed money… there's a boatload of it. This isn't a critique against the people working in it, it's a service that people pay for and it's not my department actually does anything to give that money back because the government kind of WANTS it to go unclaimed (because then it gets to keep it). But, as someone who works for the govt dept that manages all that money, I just so happen to know the smell of [censored] when it comes wafting by. First off; the accreditation; it's mostly self-awarded nonsense. The badges, it's like those little stalls with those silly little ribbons declaring themselves the #1 shop or pies or artist in the country. It's sloppy marketing. Secondly: the fee. Lots of regular legitimate services charge above market. That's a common thing, especially when they spend unnecessary amounts on web design and brand control. But Money Catch stands apart by charging an outrage; almost double the usual % for this sort of service. It's pretty ridiculous. Thirdly; The sales scheme. It's downright aggressive. Pro tip of the day; if you're a company selling something people can just go and do for themselves anyway, DON'T pesters them when they decide they aren't interested. You're not selling medical journals in the 1980s, Money Catch, you're trying to pawn off printed Wikipedia articles to people with high-speed broadband! If you're selling a service people can get for free (minus a little time, sweat and patience), at least dial it back a notch! If it walks like a duck, quack like a duck than by jolly its a duck. Scam alert.
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