1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser99963
order no.[protected] placed 15.4.18


I placed the order [protected] on 15.4.18.The order was for a pear tree. A tree was delivered on 17.6.18, but it was an apple tree. I have been repeatedly emailing this company and used the ticket system they asked for but have had no contact at all from them. I have looked at my account with the company and the original order is there but no acknowledgement that the wrong order was delivered or date for delivering my original order. I have given my address and contact details to this company so there is no excuse for this lack if contact. The unwanted tree is outside my house in these high temperatures needing care to prevent it from dying. I am frustrated and angry at this service and will never use it again. Please resolve this matter or I will need to explore other options such as the Ombudman Service or seek redress via my Credit Card provider.
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