25 Feb, 2021 → by ClaimboUser619313
The viral video


I am disgusted from the viral video that I saw where your store managers assaulted, abused and attacked a customer. regardless if he was in the wrong, he showed no disrespect or harm or was threatening in any manner. people are tired of the store policies that are enforcing government "guidelines". Why not take a more active role to accommodate customers that do not wish to wear a mask. They have a right to shop without being harassed just as much as customers who chooses to wear a mask. Do the right thing! stand up for freedom of choice. Take down the signs that read masks are required to enter your store and add signs that reads we respect medical exceptions. Keep in mind govt is sharing guidelines. if these big box stores don't stand up towards the government how do we have a chance? you think the small businesses that have been force to close can make an impact ? you have a responsibility. Do the right thing!
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