1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser246316
Ryan Hartwig


They have hired Ryan Hartwig. www.ryanhartwigsexharass.com It's a sad state of affairs in that Private Christian Colleges seem to have no standard of accountability. By this I mean that when the staff misbehaves, in this case by sexually harassing a student (using the definition of sexual harassment contained in their own student handbook), the school will circle the wagons around them. There is no outside institution save for the courts to hold them accountable. Their literature and websites are full of language indicating how they claim follow Christ and hold to biblical standards, but there is no way of knowing how you will be treated after you are committed to a school. Parents and students spend an incredible amount of money for higher education, and when you come to realize full on how you've been taken by a school operating under the auspices of a Christian institution, there is nothing you can do, and there is nowhere to turn to hold them accountable. Be careful, as APU has hired Ryan Hartwig, liar that he is. When it comes down to the students best interest vs. a staff members and the schools best interest, it's a safe bet who the loser is going to be. My complaint is not about Azusa Pacific University specifically, as I have not had, nor will have any dealings with them. But they hired this liar, Ryan Hartwig, and it is likely that his poor treatment of students will carry over from the way he mistreated students at Colorado Christian University.
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