28 Apr, 2020 → by ClaimboUser126415
Product Has Gotten Much Worse


Oreo quality has gone down significantly since I used to eat them 15 years ago. I just got a double stuff Oreo container, and like every other comment on here, the Double Stuff is the Normal (single stuff) Oreo of the past. Aka they reduced the amount of filling in the double stuff Oreos by about 50% in roughly 15 years. In fact, this was such a large change that they now have a product called Mega Stuff, which I kid you not, has as much filling as Double Stuff used to have. So if you want Double Stuffed Oreos today in 2020, you must get Mega Stuff, and then get screwed out of actually getting what Mega Stuff should be... I get that the shareholders want their money, but now they have created Oreoception. On top of this major issue, the taste has gotten much worse. Fifteen years ago, when you ate a bunch of Oreos, you may feel bad that you ate a ton of sugar, but now you feel bad as if you ate a lot of indigestible chemicals. They taste ok in the moment, (they used to taste amazing in the moment), but you don't feel right shortly after. I am not convinced this is the same recipe as before by the taste. In addition to this, based on a web published experiment, the current 2020 Double Stuff product does not actually contain 2x the stuffing compared to the normal Oreos, and the Mega Stuff, which is supposed to have 3x the stuffing compared to a normal Oreo doesn't either... We are being lied to. It is the same type of problem where certain sandwich places sell 'foot long' or '12 inch' subs, and when you measure the bread, it is only 11 inches long.. Maybe they think we don't notice? More likely they just min-max their profits and determine the stuffing amount based on that. Bottom line, the true original Oreo's have been replaced by these trojan horse cookies and they suck now. User's recommendation: Write Reviews pointing out that we are aware of the issue, and don't support the company.
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