9 Jan, 2019 → by ClaimboUser586470
Veteran Discrimination, Arbitrary Rules, Hostile


Update by user Feb 08, 2019 Update: As of February 8, 2019, there has been no change. Dennis King has not offered even a conversation. This speaks volumes. Since this incident at Skate Tfyanny's I have also garnered more support for my position with full agreement as to how unfair it was. This chain of events, being banned merely for a freestyle trick, then clearly threatened by the owner, was brutally unfair, arbitrary, and unwarranted. I did not deserve to be treated like this. No one does. I have also discovered the source(s) of the complaints and these Drama Bees have been busy, now targeting other skaters with baseless complaints. Maybe these complaints are being catered to so they can do a "cleansing" of the rink population to something more to their liking. Considering I have never been given the opportunity to confront my accuser and find out why I am so offensive to them, seems hiding in the shadows, works. I will continue to have this heard, and warn the public you are being watched. The Drama Bees hide in the shadows,while looking right at you. If they do not like you, for any reason at all, you may be next to be banned, and threatened. Meanwhile I will continue to wait for Dennis to find some fortitude and and have a respectful conversation. After being a respectful, paying patron for too many years to count, I deserve this at the very least. I will certainly broadcast any resolution to this matter. Meanwhile, I have been skating at Auburn Skate Connection and it has been wonderful. Great rink, great people, great prices. Super fun. I have met a lot of new friends there, and there are skaters from Tyfanny's who are moving to this rink as well, some in defense and protest of what happened to me, and I am deeply honored. I skate here now, hold birthday parties for kids, and practice all my freestyle skate tricks, while continuing to not be a danger to any other skaters...as I had done at Skate Tyfanny's for many years before being banned, then threatened. Life is definitely better without Drama Bees. Original review posted by user Jan 09, 2019 I am a 60 year old decorated (Humanitarian Medal) USAF Veteran, with no criminal record and a State Patrol cleared Watchdog for 2 school districts. I preface this so it is clear I am not just someone with an ax to grind, or am bored and want to attack an innocent business. I was a regular patron of Tyfannys Skate for many, many years many times coming 2-3 times a week. I am proficient in skating, am not a danger to anyone, I help others on the floor, and have assisted too many to count who have fallen. I am also trained in medical stabilizing. I freestyle and speed skate. One day in June 2018, I show up to skate, as usual, and an employee comes out and says I am now banned from Tyfannys. Just like that. The only explanation given is my freestyle skating tricks, which harm no one, nor anything, and which numerous people do to this day, and are still skating there. I wait in line and go in and respectfully ask Dennis King if I can talk to him, presumably in private. He looks me in the eye and says "You have 30 seconds to get off my property". This is a clear threat with a clear underlying tone of "or else", leaving one to imagine what this "or else" might be. I left and sent a letter to Dennis King looking for discussion and explanation. I would get an angry letter from his attorney stating I am a liar and have no stance. Apparently in Dennis King's world, you can treat a long time respectful patron, and US veteran, any way you choose. The letter from his attorney stated a business owner has the right to treat patrons as they wish. Doesn't sound scary at all for innocent patrons of a business who have done nothing wrong.... It is very clear I was maliciously and unfairly targeted. I left many very good friends inside who are left to their imaginations of why I no longer skate there. Since then, and why this seems to have no end thus needing further action, I have been the ridicule and subject of scorn among those who are aware of Dennis King banning me from Tyfannys. I know of children who have come up with stories that are simply not true. I have witnesses who will state I am a respectful skater and person and have done nothing to warrant being targeted then threatened by this business owner; Dennis King. It is clear Dennis King has declared to the community he can do as he pleases. I am not sure this treatment of an innocent patron / veteran is what the community would deem as fair and right? The public should be warned about this business.
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