13 Mar, 2018 → by ClaimboUser727764
Disability payments stpooed after 12 months with no warning or information exchange.

My claim Dec 2015 was accepted and payments were made for a year then out of the blue the deposits stopped.They did not respond to my inquiry as to why for several weeks.Then they said I could appeal their decision,I appealed 3 times over the past year (with no income for that time).Each appeal was declined,for the 3rd appeal one of Canada's pre-eminent vestibular physiologists performed posturography testing and the result was a spectacular fail with a classic 5,6 down pattern of abnormality.My job requires full balance faculties ( as I climb and balance on a ladder most days) and the tests show that only half of my balance system functions.The specialist summarized by saying I cannot return to my regular job due to this permanent damage in my vestibular system.Desjardins in their decline stated that my restrictions and limitations are not medically supported .This decision on their part shows a total disregard for the medical data and the specialists recommendations.Denying a legitimate claim, from what I understand is breach of contract and an act of bad faith.I am currently putting together a legal team to present the information to a federal judge in the upcoming law suit.It is my understanding that the labor relations board rules and regulations are not enforced by the government and that lack of enforcement give the insurance companies a free for all with no buddy to answer to.This type of conduct does not show much regard for humanity and must be addressed.
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