14 Nov, 2018 → by ClaimboUser975211
Resolved: FNB Not updating payment profiles at credit bureaus


Update by user Nov 15, 2018 FNB eventual updated my payment profile on the Transunion credit bureau and as such corrected my affordability, thank you FNB, it's just sad that it had to come to this and that it took so long for someone to take the initiative after having to deal with a very frustrated client. The entire scenario was unnecessary because this could have been prevented if the relevant FNB personnel had done what he or she / they needed to do. Thank you FNB. Original review posted by user Nov 14, 2018 I had a quick loan with FNB where the amount loaned was debited from my account on the 25th of October as agreed, the problem is that FNB never updated my payment status on the Transunion credit bureau and as such prevented me from obtaining financing to buy a house due to affordability as a result of Transunion still indicating that I owe FNB an ex amount. The ex amount was paid in full and even after speaking to 8 of the private client consultants and bankers including a manager the problem has still not yet been resolved and stated that it will take between 48 hours and 7 working days which I find very frustrating because I am now being penalized because of FNB's negligence. The FNB consultants also puts me on hold for 4 to 5 minutes after which the line gets cut off and I have to call in and being transferred to a different consultant where I have to explain everything all over again just to be placed on hold yet again with the same thing reoccurring over and over by being cut off. The BIG issue is that this affects my affordability due to information that is not being updated from the FNB side so Transunion can remove the information and therefore provides incorrect information to other banks when applying for a home loan etc. I have queried this and found that this is because of the listing FNB never updated as paid in full! The other thing which is also quite alarming is the fact that they have listed or registered this as a reoccurring monthly payment amount at Transunion instead of just a single once off installment, How does that work? I have spoken to 9 FNB individuals in total where still the problem has not yet been resolved and not even one of them can explain or advise on when they are planning on correcting the mistake made from their side, this is pathetic service from FNB and especially for having to deal with something like this after being a client for more than 20 odd years. I also demanded some kind of compensation from FNB because of their negligence that is affecting my ability to obtain proper financing and also received no correspondence to my request, FNB's "How can we help you" has now turned into "How can we screw you" from the looks of it and again "request" to speak to someone from FNB who can provide decent answers as well as a proper solution to rectify the mistake they made. FNB, you are chasing away your clients and will result in more and more clients moving over to other banks if this kind of bad and poor service continues! I wish you luck because I will keep on urging people to change banks where possible if this matter is not resolved. It's not a threat, it's a promise!
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